Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 150- Brothers or fathers?

Do you think these guys are brothers or fathers or just plain stuffed animals? A father of a stuffed animal basically only has to look like the other stuffed animal to be a father so these probably father and sons. But who knows?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 149- Limited Edition is Everything

Jack found these soda cans in the freezer. They are frozen. But Jack says, "Limited Edition is Everything" for they are limited edition Avengers cans. Frozen or not, he'll keep anything limited.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 147- The Marks of a Warrior

A huge fan (to Zuzu it was huge), fell on top of Zuzu and left these imprints on his head. Bob the monkey famously said "Those marks are the marks of a warrior". 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 146- Your Final 3

The Stuffivor Final Three has been announced! Starting from left to right, Puffle, Vilgax, and Coconut. In the end, Puffle had 30 votes, Coconut had 37, and Vilgax has 39. Congratulations Vilgax!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 145- The Best Hiding Place Ever?

Zuzu played a game of hide and seek and his hiding place was so good, all the stuffed animals had to start searching for him! But still, they did not find him. They gave up and Zuzu hopped out of this box. Is it possibly the best hiding place ever?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Day 144- Stuffivor

The Stuffivor winner was announced a few days a go in the basement. If you don't know what Stuffivor is, then look at the Stuffed Animal Website or figure it out. In this picture, the 27 people who were "voted" out of Stuffivor are sitting in a chair.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 143- Tricks is gone

Tricks is gone! Nobody can find anywhere! The more we look for him, the more disappointed we get. It's very sad. Hopefully we will find him soon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 142- Tall Guy

Today, Bayou told all the stuffed animals that he would become the tallest stuffed animal in the world. In seconds, Bayou grew to be pretty high, but still not as high as Fluffy. They also found out he was using books and they grew very mad at him. Bayou will never become tall, I know that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 141- Robot and His School

Robot has just opened a new school for stuffed animals called "You ain't got pencils, you ain't got money, you ain't got crayons, you ain't comin' here". That is a long name and it is kind of selfish, rude, and mean, but at least he opened a school.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 140- The Hole is Gone

Grandma took Bigfoot to her house and their she sewed him up. It looks amazing now! Thank you Grandma! Hopefully it won't become a hole again though...

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 139- Chubbers

I have found a new animal at my grandma's house! His name is Chubbers. Isn't that like the greatest name of all time? It's pretty awesome. (I had to give up Bobo, Wallet R., and Fluffers though as a trade).

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Day 138- Growing

Blue said he wanted to grow up into an adult faster so he could play video games all day, so he jumped into this flower pot thing and sat there for a few hours. Once he got out he said "I feel like an adult now."

Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 137- Stuffed Animal Quotes.

Truffles: "Go! You shall now pass!" The meaning of it is to make you never stop trying to reach your dreams and keep on going forever and ever. Doesn't make much sense does it? Well, whatever.

Yoda: "Gag not. Vomit or do not vomit. There is no gag." Yoda is saying that their is no gag when vomiting. You either vomit or do not vomit. It really means, when you feel you have to vomit, you're gonna vomit, not gag.

Pug: "Beware of the dark side! I know this sounds like a Star Wars poster, but it's true!" He is telling you to beware of evil and he told me that he was also telling you to eat cookies. I don't know how cookies have to do with his quote, but who cares?
"Go! You shall now pass!"
"Gag not. Vomit or do not vomit. There is not gag."
"Beware of the dark side! I know this sounds like a Star Wars poster, but it's true!"

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 136- The Cookie Thief is Back

Today, I found Brown the cookie thief stealing granola bars! Everybody take a deep breath, it's going to be okay. Nobody panic. When he noticed we were watching him, he jumped out of the granola bar box and stared at us with pathetic eyes that nobody can resist. We let him go but now we know, this cookie thief doesn't always want cookies.

So Pathetic 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 135- Poor Bigfoot

Bigfoot has fallen ill. He is coughing a lot and he is very snotty. Doctors think that it is because of his hole and it needs to get sewed up quick!
Fluffy said "I have a hole but it's not as bad as his. Poor Bigfoot." Hopefully my grandma will come soon...
Fluffy's Big Hole

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 134- Bigfoot and his hole

As you can see in this picture, Bigfoot the snake has a huge hole in his bottom. We have sowed it many times but it always comes back no matter how much string we use! We must find a way to stop the hole...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 133- Dumpster Fight

In this picture, Chocolate, Francisco, and Douglas are having a dumpster fight. There were no serious injuries, thankfully.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 132- Marauders

The Marauders, a new stuffed animal baseball team, has played there first game. In the first game (with Bella pitching) it ended out 400 to 0.
"I don't know how it happened,' said Bella after the game. 'I do not have a good feeling about this team."

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 131- The Wise Words of Puppy Jackson (Sports)

Baseball: "As some people say, baseball is only dull to dull minds,' said Puppy. "Baseball is not dull to me though. It is a sport of action and hot dogs. Go Royals!"

Football: "Does anybody think that football is a sport of the touchdown?" asked Puppy. "It is to me. The touchdown makes everybody stand on their feet and start doing the Irish Jig together. Though I do want something to change. When you make a field goal, it should be called a bucket."

Basketball: "Basketball is made indoors and I'm and outdoors person,' said Puppy. "Not cool. I'm not really interested in basketball, but I am good at playing it. I shot one from the free throw line and made it once!"

Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 130- The Globe

Speckles was spinning the globe today and for some reason, always landed on the North Atlantic Ocean. He said it was just bad luck for he wanted to land on Asia, but maybe somebody made the globe do that...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Day 129- Stuffed Animals? I ain't heard of stuffed animals!

Today, Gobbles said something terrible! He said "Stuffed animals? I ain't heard of stuffed animals!" Most of the stuffed animals think he was asleep when he said it and could not think right, Whatsoever, he got away with it if he was asleep or not.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 128- Surrounded

In this picture, Pug is being surrounded. It is for the movie "The Draft". The stuffed animals think he is a spy and are going to take him to prison.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 127- The Argument

The argument is: Is Shoe a lioness or a lion? I like to think he (she) is a lion but in truth, is she? I the answer is: I don't know. Can you find out?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Day 126- Royals

Slugger wanted me to tell the world about what happens if you are not at a Royals fan. Here is what he said.

"If you aren't a Royals fan, you aren't a baseball fan. If you aren't a Royals fan, you aren't a sports fan. If you aren't a Royals fan, you have to say duty 10,000 times and that still wouldn't cover it. If you ain't a Royals fan, you ain't a friend of mine. If you aren't a Royals fan, you don't even have a purpose in life. Let's go Royals!"

I disagree with what he has said although you should cheer for the Royals. Let's go

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 125- The Many Parts of Easter

1. Church Service
2. Have a big lunch together
(With Slugger cooking)
3. Play a game of hide and seek (Blitzon the reindeer is hiding)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 124- The Robber

Today we found Pineapple searching for pineapples in the pantry without asking! When we found him we grabbed him and took him away from the pantry forever. He said he had stolen nothing except an orange, 2 pop tarts, a granola bar, some lucky charms, lemonade powder, goldfish, and cookies. His punishment was he could never go to the pantry alone again.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 123- B O T

Superbot has finally found out what the B O T on his shirt stands for! He says it is Best of Turkey. Well, I don't know if that is it but we will find out sometime if he is right or wrong.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 122- Movie

The stuffed animals did a movie called The Draft and here is a picture from it. Waddles (the penguin) has been caught by the bad guys (everybody else) and they are going to use him as bait to do something mysterious. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 121- The Bathtub

You can't really see it in the picture, but Robot is in a bathtub. He said he wanted to take a bath but couldn't find where the water came out of. He walked out under where the water came out of and I turned on the water. Robot jumped back from the water in surprise and then bounced around the bathtub in the water seeing that it was only water. Good memories.